Saturday, September 27, 2008

Fall Fun in Tennessee!

Saturday morning, Madison plays soccer and Memaw is there to capture the moment!

Saturday afternoon, we watch the live show of "Winnie the Pooh"...

Singing, dancing and interaction from the little ones!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Virginia Bound continued

We arrived in Tennessee on Friday afternoon and joined our children and grandchildren for dinner. We relaxed at the hotel after dinner.

Virginia Bound

We arrived in South Carolina on Thursday and joined our grandchildren and great-grand children for dinner.

We visited the newest addition to our family after dinner. Mikayla is only 5 days old and a little more than 3 pounds, but she has already won the hearts of everyone.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Thanksgiving reminder

I know it is only September, but mark your calendar for Thanksgiving Day around noon at the Home Place!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008


We are officially Floridians!!!

Our RV is right at home in Florida. We have a nice little yard and someone else cuts the grass! Memaw loves her palm tree. Right now we are enjoying the very warm weather in Florida.